
Become better with these productivity tips

We live in the age of distraction. If it’s not the hundredth urgent email in your inbox that blows your focus, maybe it’s your IT staff pounding on your door with another technology emergency. Whatever the circumstance, you may be tired of looking in the mirror only to see bags under your eyes from too many late nights at the office.

LinkedIn tips for the SMB

As a small business owner, you may be a bit perplexed how to gain the most value out of LinkedIn. You may have already spent countless hours trying to leverage the platform with little success. So what are you doing wrong? And how can you make the most out of your time on the platform? Here are a few tactics any SMB can follow to gain more value from LinkedIn.
Know LinkedIn’s purpose
Simply put, LinkedIn is not a content marketing platform.

5 time-saving Microsoft Word tips

Although there are many alternatives out there, Microsoft Word remains one of the most popular and user-friendly word processors for businesses large and small, and for good reason too. It is compatible with both Windows and Mac and is highly capable of handling and creating business documents.

iPad productivity tools to help you out

Many people buy an iPad with hopes that it can increase their productivity when outside of the office. Unfortunately, it can end up in a drawer somewhere or perhaps given to your child if you never manage to incorporate into your work processes. Owning an iPad alone is simply not enough to help you increase your productivity.

Secure your business with these IT policies

Employees are one of your biggest security holes. There is no foolproof prevention method for human error, and this is why employee mistakes are one of the most common causes of a security breach. So what can you do to prevent it? Well at the very least you need to include policies in your employee handbook, and ensure your employee reads through it and signs off on agreeing to abide by them.

BCP tactics to keep your business running

It’s a fact of life. Events out of your control can disrupt your business operations. While you can’t necessarily control the unexpected, you can take some precautions to prevent most business disruptions. Here are some key business continuity strategies that organizations across the globe rely on to keep their doors open.

Tips to make Google Chrome super fast

For Internet users who are accustomed to a super-fast connection, there’s nothing worse than a sluggish web browser. It impacts your workflow, slows down your productivity, and causes frustration. But luckily there are some methods you can use to improve your web browser’s speed and performance.

Be more productive with these Mac tips

While Apple products are known for their ease of use and ability to boost productivity, there are so many handy features that it can be difficult to be aware of all of them. That’s why we’ve dug up some of our favorite Mac tips for their latest OS: El Capitan.

Email is the primary avenue of attack for most cybercriminals, who use it to target individuals and businesses with phishing scams, ransomware attacks, and other cyberthreats. Learn how email security maintains the integrity of your emails, accounts, and data.GET A FREE COPY NOW!