
Are your site’s images hiding an attack?

As more and more content management services are released to aid SMBs in online marketing, security risks also increase. One such helper is the image processing service ImageMagick. And while it has proven useful to countless businesses, it is now something you should be concerned about from a security standpoint.

7 Twitter tactics to get more retweets

Managing your company’s Twitter account can be tricky. You have a lot of brilliant things to say in under 140 characters but the problem is getting more eyes on your tweets. What’s worse is that there are other companies competing with you to grab that attention.

Tap into the benefits of the human cloud

Companies have increasing opportunities to tap into a virtual, on-demand workforce that’s proving to be a third-generation sourcing ecosystem for key talent. The human cloud offers a competitive advantage for startups and SMBs to compete with large enterprises by leveraging specialized skills and expertise that are outsourced globally.

Essential Microsoft Word formatting tips

Microsoft Word has been around for over 20 years, and for better or worse it has become increasingly complex. What started as a simple text editor has evolved into a multifaceted piece of writing, design and collaboration software. No matter how much time you spend with it, there are always new tricks to learn that let Word streamline your document creation.

Are you sufficiently cooling your servers?

Every business sits on top of a foundation of different building blocks that enable it to operate smoothly and efficiently. One building block that is becoming increasingly essential is IT hardware. Server hardware can be expensive, which is why proper management is vital.

Take work home with VoIP

Every business owner understands that happy employees equal happy clients, and happy clients are always good for business. However, in such a fast paced and high pressure world, this can be tough to achieve. This is true if you don’t have any VoIP systems in place.

App virtualization explained

For someone with limited IT experience like a small business owner, they could find themselves overwhelmed by their company’s IT demands. Fortunately, virtualization services are giving small business owners a fighting chance. However, the term virtualization can refer to a number of different strategies.

Fix these 4 common El Capitan problems

No operating system is perfect. At one point or another, every user is likely to experience a frozen computer or application that just won’t cooperate with their commands. El Capitan users are not immune to this phenomenon. So what are some of the problems Mac lovers encounter with Apple’s latest OS? Here are a few of the most common and the solutions to fix them.

4 brilliant Gmail tips to optimize your inbox

It’s not a stretch to say that Gmail is one of the best and most popular email services in the world, having over 1 billion monthly active users. With powerful tools that allow you to gain control of your inbox, Gmail has become the platform of choice to both business and individual users.

Email is the primary avenue of attack for most cybercriminals, who use it to target individuals and businesses with phishing scams, ransomware attacks, and other cyberthreats. Learn how email security maintains the integrity of your emails, accounts, and data.GET A FREE COPY NOW!