
Seven Microsoft Excel mastery tips

When was the last time you used Microsoft Excel? And no, hovering over the icon doesn’t count. If it’s taking you too long to remember, then it probably is. Digital literacy is an essential part of finding a job these days, in fact taking a look at it further reveals that proficiency in Excel is a skill still sought after by most companies.

Learn from this NFL team’s EMR fumble

ESPN recently reported that a laptop containing the medical records of thousands of NFL players was stolen from the car of a Washington Redskins’ trainer. And while the team released a statement saying no health information protected under HIPAA guidelines was at risk, the incident shows that EMRs are vulnerable no matter the size of your company.

Creating online communities for businesses

Gamers require an effective strategy to thwart the boss, athletes require constant updates on the latest tournaments to improve performance and businesses require an online community to fully thrive. As the saying goes: ‘What comes easy won’t last, and what lasts won’t come easy’. This is especially true when you embark on building an online community for your company.

Three client level virtualization options

Server-hosted delivery of client applications is hardly new. Whether it was Microsoft Windows Terminal Services back in 1996 or the Remote Desktop Services of today, it has been around for a while now. With client virtualization, boundaries of traditional networks are done away with to allow rich client applications and environments to endpoints.

Ransomware to begin self-propagation

One of the biggest fears security experts have may be coming true: self-replicating ransomware. Viruses that have the ability to copy and spread themselves to new systems are nothing new, but until now ransomware attacks have been targeted campaigns.

Key announcements from Google I/O 2016

Mayan priests took it upon themselves to inform the people of important matters such as festivals, harvest updates and when the next Quidditch tournament will be held - the same can be said about Google I/O just without the headpieces. Attendees are given the 411 on the latest announcements and newest products that have just or is about to hit the market.

Big interface changes coming to Android

Android updates can be hard to follow since Google’s updates depend on a lot of factors outside of the company that ultimately delay releases. Google’s I/O conference is the best chance we have to see what’s coming to Android from the offices of its core designers.

Should your next laptop be a Chromebook?

With the advent of cloud computing, more and more people are choosing Google Chromebook for their next laptop purchase. However, many business owners are still on the fence as to whether or not this new 21st century laptop will satisfy their needs. If this is you, here’s a quick guide to figure out if a Chromebook is a smart choice for your business.

Healthcare trends you should follow

“We are living in a digital world, and healthcare practices need a URL”. If Madonna could change the lyrics of her 1984 classic to speak to the healthcare industry, she may have sang something like this. A URL is just one facet of the digital strategy that hospitals and private practices alike will need to adapt if they wish to remain competitive in today’s world.

How to promote your SMB on Facebook for free

The words “free publicity” bring joy to the ears of many SMB owners. You don’t have a big marketing budget, so you need to find ways to cut costs as much as possible. Luckily Facebook has you covered. There are several ways you can promote your business on the world’s biggest social network that won’t cost a dime.

Email is the primary avenue of attack for most cybercriminals, who use it to target individuals and businesses with phishing scams, ransomware attacks, and other cyberthreats. Learn how email security maintains the integrity of your emails, accounts, and data.GET A FREE COPY NOW!